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Grow Your Vision

By demonstrating how the guerilla gardening movement has had significant means of creating vibrant and sustainable communities. Sustainability is an important element we humans have invented to help our environment and the users within these environments. The expanding body of knowledge on critical and reflective sustainability models. (Hardmana, M.2017). In order to attain sustainability, green space is crucially needed in our cities and urban regions. The requirements of urban society and the environment are frequently sacrificed in the name of city growth and economic development (Rodrigues, C. 2022). 


















Making our cities greener has environmental and social advantages, and more cities need to take this into account as they grow. Imagine if every city implemented greenspaces in each building and required people to have environmental structures if they wanted to own architecture, our carbon footprint would decrease dramatically. Consistent population increase and urban expansion will not allow the planet's resources to sustain our living conditions. Cities will need to reconsider their systems and their environmental implications as more people migrate into urban areas and environmental challenges become more urgent. Globally, several cities have already started implementing more eco-friendly policies, and some patterns are beginning to develop. 

Future sustainable cities will expand on them, going beyond the environmental practices used now (Rodrigues, C. 2022). In addition to being crucial for the environment, the growth of cities and urban areas must be sustainable in order to improve urban residents' quality of life. Urban green areas serve a variety of important roles that have a positive impact on city life. In the surroundings of the city, green areas contribute more to a sustainable city and the enhancement of its environment. (Rodrigues, C. 2022) .Green space may be added to urban settings to improve them, as well as to support essential services and promote healthy relationships to the environment. 

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